konektory a spojovací technika

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Splice-Box 19" complete telescope 8 ST Multimode G50/125 OM3 Obj. č. 802454 Kopírovat
Splice-Box 19" telescope partially configured with couplings MM 12 LCdx Obj. č. 803160 Kopírovat
Splice-Box 19" telescope partially configured with couplings MM 12 SC-Duplex Obj. č. 80996 Kopírovat
Splice-Box 19" telescope partially configured with couplings MM 12 ST Obj. č. 801173 Kopírovat
Splice-Box 19" telescope partially configured with couplings MM 2 LCdx Obj. č. 803157 Kopírovat
Splice-Box 19" telescope partially configured with couplings MM 2 SC-Duplex Obj. č. 801168 Kopírovat
Splice-Box 19" telescope partially configured with couplings MM 4 LCdx Obj. č. 803158 Kopírovat
Splice-Box 19" telescope partially configured with couplings MM 4 SC-Duplex Obj. č. 801169 Kopírovat
Splice-Box 19" telescope partially configured with couplings MM 4 ST Obj. č. 801171 Kopírovat
Splice-Box 19" telescope partially configured with couplings MM 6 LCdx Obj. č. 803159 Kopírovat
Splice-Box 19" telescope partially configured with couplings MM 6 SC-Duplex Obj. č. 801170 Kopírovat
Splice-Box 19" telescope partially configured with couplings MM 8 ST Obj. č. 801172 Kopírovat
Splicing cassette Fibre-Optic accessories preferred type Obj. č. 80307 Kopírovat
TIA-568A/B Copper Connector RJ45 straight Ø5,0-8,5mm Obj. č. 801318 Kopírovat
TIA-568B Copper Connector M12 90° angle Pins 4 Ø1,0-1,6 mm AWG 22-26 Obj. č. 805958 Kopírovat
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